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Contact form data

When a visitor completes the contact form on the site the data entered in the form is collected along with the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymised string created from the visitor’s email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Automattic service to see if you are using it. The Automattic service privacy policy is available here:

Data provided in contact forms is used solely for the purposes of establishing communications between visitors and me, and is not passed on to any other organisation, unless it is clear the communication is identified as spam.

The data collected is routinely deleted; visitors are nonetheless entitled to enquire what data is maintained about them and request it to be deleted within a reasonable amount of time.


This site does not collect cookies other than those required to navigate the site. As such, consent is not required from website visitors such as you.

Links to other websites

The content of this site contains links to content on other sites.

Those websites may collect data about visitors, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor visitors’ interaction with that embedded content. Visitors should therefore make themselves aware of those sites’ privacy policies.

Other data

If we agree to commence a counselling arrangement, I will keep brief, anonymised notes about our sessions to be able to review our progress and ensure you receive the help that you need. These notes are maintained securely and can only be accessed by me, and, while I consider these steps to be reasonable and adequate, I cannot guarantee their absolute security. I will immediately notify you of any failures in this respect.

You have the right to request any information kept about you by me and I will provide it to you within a reasonable amount of time. This information is usually kept for a maximum period of five years, in line with standard practice; however, you may also request that I delete such information and I will comply with that request within a reasonable amount of time.